Friday, September 18, 2009

Diet Pills Tend to Trick People These Days

Diet pills are drugs which promise quick and painless ways to weight loss. Those pills often change a person's metabolism or appetite in order to achieve less amounts of calorie input. These drugs are not suited for the average person's use, and are only effective as long as they are in use.

Diet Pills were originally designed to fight obesity and not as a easy dieting method. The pills will, for a limited amount of time, reduce one's hunger levels or enhance metabolism to help burn off fat. However, the effects are not lasting and the side effects may be. The only time these drugs are of actual use is when the consequences would greatly outweigh the side effects. The average person looking for weight loss is usually someone who is not at the stage of life-threatening obesity, and thus should not look towards diet pills as an easy method.

Diet drugs often advertise the speed and effectiveness of its effects, and suggest that without exercise or a healthy diet, one may experience mild to extreme Weight Loss. Their advertisements show extreme cases, where patients reportedly have lost tens of pounds in just several weeks. While it is true that these diet pills do encourage weight loss by manipulating the body, the effects stay only as long as the pill is actively being used. Without continued use, the body will resort back to its original levels of appetite and metabolism, and once again the user will feel hungry. Usually users will rebound back to or above their original weight less than a month after stopping to use the drug. This type of weight-loss is not only inconsistent but will damage the body, as it is not normally used to functioning at such high levels of metabolism under such a low level of food intake.

Diet drugs are not useful in weight loss and dieting, as they will not give you the results which are promised. Why waste hundreds of dollars on these temporary problem solvers which may damage the body, when in the end the user will often be farther back than when they started. Don't be fooled by the "miracles" shown in pill advertisements. Steady exercise and an actual diet plan will put one in a much better and longer lasting position to lose weight than any kind of diet drug available on the market.